gosh~~~i cant belief i had to wear tt~~
was down with fever and had to use a mask in the clinic
just coz of swine flu out break
and gosh theres alot of ppl in there
ok maybe not tt much ~~
i was lucky enough not to just die half way waiting
and worst i was patheticly damn alone
with my head spinning round and round
emak had to rush to work after sending me to clinic
so im all by myself
it got me thinking ..hmmm
if i was down with swine flu does tt mean tt im un-halal
since swne flu is from pork
thou i dont go pork bt its by air borne
and anyone can get it~~get it?
gosh so for those halal ppl hu dun eat pork~~
will they eventually be unhalal if they we to be down with swine flu
due to the air borne??
a day pass and my fevers much better
but my throat ~~gosh worst
gah~~~how to sing to my beautiful fren
BOO to me