Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

::drug addict::

gosh first thing jun long saw me
his respond ' ur face look thinner'
i was lyk think, ok? is tt a compliment or wat~~
and he continued 'lyk a drug addict'
im lyk gosh~~
ok mayb yes~~
im kinda taking diff kinds of drug lately
and duh all prescribed by doctors
and my boohoohoo condition isnt really improving
and my face was covered by humps of weirdness~~
to add on with tt sch have been a rough ride
though im pretending everythings ok

so the best way to get better is to meet up with gf~~
wooo~~~she kinda commit sin just to meet me
gosh i feel guilty bt its nice catching up tgt
eventhough meeting up with jl was super coincidental
i looove my gf~~
tt means both girlfren and guyfren=))