Kamis, 30 Agustus 2007

please get well soon

~get well soon~
timotheus was admitted to hospital yesterday night, so when with
suhaila to visit him just now in KKH.sorry to rush u my dear girlfriend.
i didnt attend school today,and the worst thing was i had no reason
for that, so people try not to ask me why.

thanks for accompanying gf

his attire is super cute and i think the reason is because he in
KK womens and childrens hospital. that should explain it haha.
its abit too small for him and too kiddy but its the patients
attire and he's the patient haha.at the back theres three bears
with caption 'we are always a good team' cute right haha

err haha..no harm becoming a patient for a few seconds

please do get well soon and take care of your health cause heatlh is
really very important. erm and the gift, its little, hope you appreciates it
cause we really do not what to get for you.its cute though. right? hee...
and dont worry about your hair too much, its cute even though its ugly
be optimistic in life and everything will go fine=))
take good care of yourself and stay strong
love you sayang=))